Friday, August 25, 2006

The more they try the more they undermine their own credibility

As David Bernstein writes organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have become so transparently political as to become laughable. Do these people think we don't notice that their reports drip with bias and negativity against the US and Israel? Do they think that armed conflicts can be fought with the international equivalent of the Marquis of Queensbury rules? It comes down to this disturbing habit of the left:

Why do the right thing when you can score points against the US (or Israel or Bush)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Running out of Liberals?

As this article shows we maybe running out of liberals. What a shame, but this is what happens when you can stop aborting fetuses. They have mudered babies and their own political movement. It will get even worse when over time the glut of overly radicalized baby boomers begins to move of the national stage, letting the more Gen Xers to their place.
You mean there is no Iraqi Civil War?

Comments from an Iraqi National Security adviser tell a different story from the nonsense the MSM is peddling these days. Not surprisingly his comments will not get the same publicity as comments that put a more negative slant on the Iraqi situation. Now back to our regulary unbiased news programming...
American Liberalism: Living in the Past

This EJ Dionne column inadvertently points out the dirty little secret of American Liberalism:

They have not been any substantive contributions by American Liberalism since the 1960s. For the past 40 years they have contributed nothing - just living on their past laurels. New ideas come from the right, which the left rages against in a reactionary manner.

Friday, August 18, 2006

French Foot Dragging

French undermining of the cease fire process. By threatening to reduce their participation in the multi-national force to 200 troops France is undermining the entire effort.(French perdidity)

Obviously the French have their heads up the hindquarters as they will do almost anything to avoid standing up to the Islamo-facists of the world.
Foot in Mouth

Andrew Young puts foot in mouth: with this

Yup, he sure did. Betcha this will get less MSM attention than say Mel Gibson's drunken remarks. Wonder why that is...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This is a test Blog post.